CAGOP Union Caucus
CAGOP Union Caucus is dedicated to fostering collaboration among different union and parties to create a more united & influential conservative presence in California. Through our engagement of people, media showcases, events, and campaigns, we highlight the positive impact our conservative values have on our communities.
Our Mission
Get to Know Us
We are Conservative Republican Union members that come from diverse Union workforce organizations.
We made a choice to engage in our respective Unions because we believe in respect and fair treatment, employee benefits, good middle-class wages, and safe and productive workplaces. We support traditional family values, capitalism and our United States Constitution.
Our organization’s purpose is to advocate for the acknowledgement and support of Conservative Values and Principled Republican candidates through financial and
volunteer support.
Too often Union leadership favors one political party over the other, and in doing so, repeatedly stifles the voices of Republican and Conservative Union members.
Republican candidates and Conservative union members' voices are rarely, if ever, allowed to be heard within the traditional union framework. Our mission is to eliminate this negative dynamic and bring Conservative values to labor negotiations and have a permanent seat at the table.
Founding Members:
Steve Campos,
California Teachers Association, member
Hayward Crawford, Teamsters, member
Michael Greer, California Teachers Association, member
Lydia Gutiérrez, California
Teachers Association, member
Ebie Lynch, Service Employees International Union, member
Rudy Melendez, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, member
Johnnie Morgan,
Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio
Artist, member
JW Paine, Teamsters, member
Chris Porter,
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, member
Stephenie Sporcich, California Teachers Association, member
Charlotte Svolos, California Teachers Association, member
Randy Berholtz,
Secretary, CAGOP
- 30 US dollars
- 40 US dollars
- 50 US dollars
Explore the causes we support and the impact we aim to create through our advocacy and actions.
Cause 1
Supporting Individual Autonomy
Our commitment to fostering a truly diverse work environment arises from a foundational belief in individual autonomy.
In order to foster true diversity, each legal adult must be afforded his or her God given right to choose his or her own system of belief - to include a belief in God.
Each individual must be afforded the ability to live his or her life in accordance with his/her chosen legal belief system.
This foundational tenant drives our efforts to empower underrepresented voices and strive to ensure their seat at the table.
Cause 2
Community Engagement
We believe in the power of community involvement and strive to engage with local residents to address the shared needs and concerns that hinder our ability to thrive.
Cause 3
Legal Stewardship
Protecting the legal rights of our members is a key priority for us. We work towards sustainable practices and policies to safeguard the hard fought for benefits they have earned.